Saturday, April 26, 2008

Daddy's Sunglasses

Why do pictures like this never get old? Kids in adult glasses will always be cute!


Melanie said...

I can't believe how big your kids are getting. They grow up so fast!! I heard you might be moving, atleast that's the rumor.
Do you know where you are going??

Winders said...

Why is it that kids favorite toys are not really toys? It's fun to see your boys!

Walker paradise said...

very cute and i don't know why it doesn't get old, I guess when you have cute as kids as we do any picture is cute!!!

Debra said...

I love those sunglasses pics! We have so many of those of our kids...they truly never get old!

Simon Sanchez Family said...

What a cute couple of boys! Guess what? Johanna had our baby on May 10! I'm not sure if you heard through Jennifer Brown or anyone, but Joseph Sean Simon was born on May 10, at 28 weeks, so he was pretty premature...2 lbs. 8 oz. and 15.5 in. long. But he did hit 3 lbs. today! He's in the NICU and will be for at least another month. What can we say, our kids love the 4-star hospital treatment!

Simon Sanchez Family said...

Guys, your little ones are sooo big now!!! wau! they are really cute! We miss you and hope things are going well for you at work and at home!
We miss you and think of you often!
Kisses for all
Ben, Johanna, Joshua, and Joseph Simon!

Teresa said...

I just wanted to say hi and I hope the move went well. Good luck with your new job! Keep us posted.

david santos said...

Nice, nice and very nice Baby`s!!!
Happy forever!!!!!!!!