Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Who needs toys?

I was having dinner with some of my girlfriends last week, the group that all had babies this year, you have seen their babies on this very blog. Anyway we were commenting on the funny things that entertain kids, and how they are usually not the expensive toys that we buy them. For Zane it was one of their old keyboards. So I told them that Keeton's favorite toy is Austin. Austin will pull his binkie out of his mouth so he can make him laugh.


Lindsay R. said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! You did some GREAT catch up work! It was fun seeing you again - keep me updated on your future plans!

jodi said...

I totally agree, on Christmas I was so excited to give Ethan his bike and all he cared about was the bow on top!

Walker paradise said...

amen sister!