Daddy got dressed with Austin and took him out for some fun in the snow yesterday, and a little cross country sledding? Well Austin had fun, that's what matters right?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Backyard Sledding
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 3:06 PM 2 comments
Christmas Day!
Well we had a wonderful Christmas, Ryan was home with us all day, so we were so lucky. The kids had a great time playing with all their new toys and opening presents. That is by far the best part about it, is watching them. Austin got a train table from Santa, which required many people to get everything put together, but it all worked out and he loved it. Keeton was the early riser and started playing with the trains immediately. This was our first Christmas away from our parents so we got to do all of our own family traditions. Austin and I made Santa gingerbread men on Christmas Eve, he opened the new Christmas movie for him and Keeton and of course the P.J.'s. We had a chocolate orange in each stocking, and instead of life saver books, we had gummie life savers. Later on Shelley and Steve and family came over for a Ham dinner with great appetizers, cheesy potatoes and peppermint cheesecake for dessert. What a wonderful day!
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Christmas Eve
Tynley Jo wanted Tysons whole piece of prime rib, silly girl.
Ryan was working up until about 11pm on Christmas Eve, so early on in the evening the kids and I went over to Jolene's parents for dinner and presents. I brought the kids Christmas P.J.s over and we opened them there. We also had yummy prime rib and ham and many warm holiday exchanges. Jolene's whole family has been so wonderful to us since we moved here, constantly inviting us the Sunday dinner and other family functions. I am so grateful to their family and all they do for us.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Sunday
Austin is growing up so fast. His potty training is going very well, and he went in Church today, which I was very excited about. I am also just plain excited for Christmas. Mostly to see Austin and Keeton's faces as they come out of their rooms on Christmas morning at all of the presents. This is the first year that Austin is excited about Christmas and Santa, so I think he will be the most fun to watch. I just love these boys!
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Model Train Show
Jolene and I took the boys to a Model Train Show, talk about old boys and their toys. It was mildly impressive to the layman. I am sure if I was a model train enthusiest it would have been amazing, but needless to say the boys thought is was great. They had replicas of the surrounding towns to Grand Junction, with the mines, and tunnels, and mountains. Then we took them outside to see the old rail cars. What a couple of cheesers. Ty and Austin will sit at Ty's train table and play for hours. They are so cute, they might as well be blood brothers.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 1:56 PM 1 comments
Do you remember that part on Vegas Vacation where Cousin Eddie pulls out the babysitter so Kathryn and him can go into town? It is a pot of rattlesnakes for the kids to round up, "that will keep them busy for hours". Well this is my somewhat safer version of my babysitter, opening the child proofed cupboards and looking the other way as all my tupperware becomes strewn about the house.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Keeton is a tank!
Keeton has finally cut his top right molar tooth. I am so glad, I hoping the rest of the tooth comes through soon, he is so slobbery and grumpy!
I just know that one day Keeton is going to whomp on Austin, he less than 10 lbs. lighter than Austin right now. Austin my quarterback, and Keeton my Lineman.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Visit with Santa
Tyson, Jolene, Ryan, and I took the kids to the good ole, Mesa Mall on Monday night to let the kids see Santa. We bought the obligatory picture, (which I still need to upload), and Austin asked Santa for a train and a green car. I hope he gets it...
We did take Keeton and Tynley, they are just not featured in these shots.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 10:19 AM 1 comments
Melissa's Birthday Bash!
We all went to Goodwood Barbeque for the big ole celebration. We also noted my birthday and my Mom, Karilynn's birthdays this month as well. We pitched in and bought Melissa a Bosch, she was quite excited, and made a batch of bread the next morning.
* Plus my brother Ryan got home from his mission on December 4th! He served in Sacramento, California, and we are so happy he is home!
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Christmas Edition of getting to know your friends
Please feel free to copy this cute Christmas Tag, I think they are fun!
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both, I wrap if I can but some things just plain require a cute bag.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. This was supposed to be the year we had a real tree, in fact we were going to hike up the mountains, Grizzwold style and chop one down, but it just didn't work out.
3. When do you put up the tree? Well since we are actually having Christmas at my house this year I put the entire tree up, ornaments and all. On Dec. 17th. And be grateful for that. My kids have already distroyed it and half the ornaments, and we are only 3 days into it. I haven't put my entire tree since before Austin was born. Last year I had a tree and 3/4 of the tree had lights, I am so ghetto.
4. When do you take the tree down the tree? This year,probably the 26th. If I have any ornaments left by then.
5. Do you like egg nog? Love it! In icecream, plain, as french toast batter, whatever.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My Grandpa Tagg made my sister Melissa and I a Barbie doll house, and that was awesome.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? No, but I want the Fisher Price one, that way I don't have to worry about it so much.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My In-Laws, they seem to have everything!
9. Easiest person to buy for? Austin, hands down, that kid is going to be so spoiled this year.
10.Mail or email Christmas cards? Um, I am embarrased to say neither this year, maybe there is still hope for e-cards.
11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? My cute grandma bought us underwear one year, practical, but not my favorite gift ever.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Elf, Santa Clause 2, The Grinch with Jim Carrey, and White Christmas with Bing Crosby.
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yeah I have...
14. Favorite thing to eat on Christmas? Chocolate oranges from my stocking.
15. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear
16. Favorite Christmas song? Baby It's Cold Outside, I love it on Elf.
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home? This is the first year we will be home, usually we go to my Dad's house.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes!
19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We open a Christmas movie, and jammies on Christmas Eve and the rest the next day.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The people at Walmart, I dread going there for groceries or anything else this time of year.
21 Favorite ornament theme or color? My theme has been snowmen, blue and silver colors. But I am about sick of it. So I am hoping this is the last year for that.
22. Favorite food for Christmas dinner? Cheesy potatoes, from my Father in law, he has those dialed.
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? This really cute brown coat from Old Navy. I know, Brown, surprise, surprise. My closet is so boring.
24. Christmas morning tradition- Muffins and hot chocolate for breakfast. Last year my sister Lacey made these amazing muffins, mine will be out of a box this year. I have never been able to have home made muffins turn out, so you gotta stick with what works.
25. What do you/did you leave out for Santa? Milk and cookies of course. This year I am going to make gingerbread men on Christmas eve with the boys to leave out for Santa.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Visit from Grandma and Papa Pletter
My Mom, Steve, and Bowen came to visit a couple weeks ago, and that was before the weather hit. So we were still enjoying our mild winter weather, and took the kids to the park, they obviously had fun.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My First Thanksgiving
Well it was the first year I hosted Thanksgiving, everyone contributed and the food was great. My Dad and Mom did the turkey and the ham, Shelley, Jolene, and I did the trimmings. It was cozy with 19 of us in our little home, but we were very glad everyone was there to celebrate with us. The kids enjoyed the olives the most. Keeton and Hallie have demonstrated for us. We had a great dinner, and I am excited for Christmas dinner as well. Maybe I will be brave enough to do the turkey by myself!
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 7:08 PM 6 comments
Best Mexican Food on the Western Slope!
After the dinasour museum we took the kids across the street and had the yummiest mexican food since moving over to Grand Junction. We ate at El Tapatio in Fruita, and have been back there since. The kids really enjoyed the quesidillas.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Dinasour Museum
So the last time Ryan had his 2 weeks off, we took the boys to the Dinasour museum in Fruita. It was so fun. We took Ty Daniel too, he is practically Austin's older brother anyways. They loved it. There was a platform to stand on that simulated an earthquake, and made lots of noise. There was a place for them to make dinasour footprints in the sand. They had a large dinasour that moved and made the appropriate noises. All in all it was very kid impressive.
Posted by Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton at 6:34 PM 0 comments